Cyber Security Services
Our Team has the experienced staff to support all aspects of Nuclear Cyber Security Program development and implementation, including Cyber Security risk assessments, design document review, security control analysis, and policy & procedure development. Specific areas of expertise include:
Information Security and Risk Management
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
Oversight of Multi-disciplined Teams,
Client Interface
Project Coordination to Support NRC, and NERC/CIP Compliance.
The BCP team has extensive fleet level knowledge in cyber security training and program development, defense in depth protective strategy development, and other requirements consistent with NRC Regulation 10 CFR 73.54 as well as NEI 13-10, NEI 08-09 rev.6, NEI 10-04, NEI 04-04, Reg Guide 5.71 and NIST SP 800-53.
The BCP Team is comprised of professionals with skills in nuclear engineering, computer science combined with many years of nuclear cyber security experience and extensive knowledge of digital instrumentation and control system engineering and maintenance.
Certifications currently held include:
Certified Information Systems Security Professional-Information Systems Security Management Professional (CISSP-ISSMP)
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Security+ and have attended several SANS security engineer courses
CSAT and CSIRT qualifications such as Cyber Security Specialist, IT Subject Matter Expert (SME), Engineering SME, SRO, and STA certifications.
All of our Cyber Security consultants and specialists have held Nuclear Power Plant Access Clearance at several nuclear sites, and they are qualified to work with Safeguards Information as well as various client/site specific requirements/groups.

Service Offering Examples:
NEI 08-09 & 13-10 Critical Digital Asset design assessments and required program re-assessments
Security Control Analysis/reviews
CSP self-assessments or program enhancements
NRC inspection readiness reviews
Design Project support and Cyber Security Consulting
Project Management or Oversight of Cyber Security Projects
Design Project Implementation support
Training and workforce development
Benefits of Working with BCP Cyber Security:
BCP’s team works with clients to have a flexible workforce – resources can be on-site, centrally located and/or perform work remotely.
We perform site and fleet Critical Digital Asset (CDA) assessments, walk-downs, and electronic verification.
Our highly experienced team are able to leverage their broad skill sets to reduce cyber and regulator risk.
BCP has effective and successful cyber project management capabilities critical to scope/task based projects.
We have extensive site and fleet level knowledge in areas such as defense in depth protective strategy development, program development, and CS training.
See our white paper here for more info.