BCP has a proven history of providing self-managed online project support services and outage/turnaround scope. Utilizing a process that integrated our project and risk management process and key tools with the client’s specific policies, controls systems, and processes that enables us to work within the construct of the client’s project management system and add significant value in bringing fresh ideas and focus, BCP effectively led the client’s project through the last year of implementation, rectify financial issues, and met all project milestones.
Client was struggling with the meeting pre-outage and outage milestones related to project implementation and execution for a National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 805 project. The project team was made up of a mix of staff augmentation contractors from multiple firms and client site leadership. BCP was hired to lead and manage the final year of implementation and ensure that the project was implemented effectively and completed on time.
BCP provided the client an aggressive approach to quickly gain control of the project based on our comprehensive 30-60-90 Day PMO methodology. With a limited timeline to get the work completed, BCP acted quickly and within the first 30-days, we aligned the existing contractor team members and established a management plan with processes and controls that included establishing the corporate action item tracking system and weekly focus meetings for non-CAP items to get the project back on track and schedule.BCP performed two deep-dive self-assessments to identify and correct gaps the first within the first 30-days of the project and again for project readiness during project pre-outage planning. Deep dives identified the need for BCP to provide financial analysis and forecasting capabilities to the team to investigate, analyze, and control costs; worked to rectify engineering impacts due to incomplete walk down and constructability reviews; shored up risk management and contingency funds that were not up to date; enforced project controls identified as inadequate, and corrected technical schedule development and work package planning that were incomplete. This aggressive timeline and flexibility to bring needed process controls and specialized talent enabled BCPto successfully meet the contract obligations and objectives and complete the work under budget and on time.
In addition to meeting the project requirements for implementation and doing so under budget, BCPled a retrospective, critical critique (lessons learned review) with the NFPA 805 team prior to the first significant release of personnel. This allowed insights (plus/delta assessment) from the team members prior to their release; and assessed condition reports for input the total critique resulting in improvement opportunities the client could implement for projects of similar size, skillsets, and technical complexities. The BCP Oversight team and project manager completed the final project closeout for all NFPA 805 work eliminating the need for the client’s Corporate projects team to complete that effort.